The short TED talk by Arthur Benjamin, who’s the professor of mathematics and the tone- placarded ‘ Mathemagician, ’ left me kindly befuddled. He spoke about math and its use in the real world, about how most of us would not really need it, and about how an emphasis on statistics would help keep our country from being in the profitable mess it’s presently in (Benjamin, 2009). The reason why I set up his statements so confusing is because he sounded to overinflate the significance of statistics while ignoring the reasons why utmost of us don’t need math. As Benjamin( 2009) mentioned in his brief talk, math is used in engineering, economics, drug, drugs, and statistics. All of these are related to high- end, well- paying jobs, which utmost Americans don’t have. In fact, 40 of the labor force in the US is presently being enthralled in a low- paying frugality, working as cashiers, food medication, dishwashers, laundry- cleansers, and so forth. math is used indeed in statistics, in order to check the answers handed by it. therefore, before learning statistics, we need math.
As for when I use statistics in real life, it’s to understand what colorful statistical data cited in journals means. I don’t play poker nor do I go at the stock request. And indeed also, statistics don’t play that big of a part. Sure, I can understand them, but chances are I’ll not go and fact- check any of them, as it would take too important time and trouble to do so. Neither would the maturity of compendiums , indeed if they’ve had any understanding of statistics. I can not recall the last time I used math outside of the classroom, but the world around us works using those principles. However, it’ll ultimately lose grasp and understanding of it, If humanity forgets these principles and leaves the hard calculation to machines. What was understood before would come magic to us in the future. Which is why I suppose Arthur Benjamin is exaggerating the value of statistics to the average citizen and underestimates the strategic value of math.