Chinese handset maker Honor on Tuesday launched a flagship smartphone “View20” in India that comes with 48MP Artificial (AI)-driven rear camera and the world’s first 25MP in-screen front camera.
The 6GB+128GB variant is priced at Rs 37,999 and the 8GB+256GB variant at Rs 45,999. The devices will be available on Amazon India from January 30, the company said in a statement.
“Packed with eight worlds’ first-ever technological advancements, the Honor View20 bespeaks of our commitment to deliver premium and power-packed smartphones,” said Allen Wang, Vice President, Huawei India.
The device featuring an “All-View Display” houses a 4,000mAh battery.
The rear camera sensor, boosted by Kirin 980 chipset, supports new 48MP “AI Ultra Clarity” mode to produce photos with unmatched detail and clarity even if it is zoomed multiple times, claimed the company.
The rear 3D camera can turn the device into a motion-controlled gaming console that will allow users to play 3D motion games.
The device also features 25MP AI-driven in-screen front camera design. It provides a notch-less viewing experience.
The device runs Android 9.0 and has Magic UI2.0.1 as a user interface.