A 25-year-old woman was discovered dead in a restroom of the New Delhi-Rajgir Shramjeevi Express (12392) train on Friday. The incident was brought to light when the train was taken to the pit line for cleaning at Rajgir railway station. Cleaning staff noticed the body in a seated position inside one of the coach toilets and promptly alerted the GRP and RPF.
The train arrived at Rajgir railway station at 10:30 a.m. and reached the pit line area around 11:30 a.m. When the authorities arrived at the scene, they found the woman’s body in the restroom with a ‘dupatta’ (scarf) tied around her neck, one end of which was attached to a hanger. The victim’s identity is yet to be determined, and an investigation is underway, as it appears to be a murder staged to look like a suicide, according to a GRP official.