To ensure a robust voter turnout for the Lok Sabha polls in Karnataka, election officials employed various creative strategies. Youth icons, including movie stars, sports personalities, and corporate leaders, were roped in to participate in rallies, street marches, and other activities to emphasize the importance of voting. The Election Commission organized events such as the ‘Namma Nade Matagatte Kade’ (walk towards your polling station) and a vintage car rally to highlight the significance of voting.
Karnataka’s Chief Electoral Officer, Manoj Kumar Meena, stressed that voting is not just a right but a duty, essential for fortifying the nation’s democratic principles. Measures were taken to address low voter turnouts, particularly in urban areas like Bengaluru, by working closely with resident welfare associations (RWAs) and conducting awareness activities in garment factories. Additionally, companies were directed to sanction leave to voters on polling day, with the labor department instructed to close offices and hoteliers asked to allow workers time to vote.