A video capturing a vicious attack on DMK leader V.K. Guruswamy, who is also a rowdy sheeter from Tamil Nadu, at a Bengaluru hotel has gone viral on social media, causing concern in the state capital. The attack occurred on September 4 while Guruswamy was sitting and chatting with a broker at a hotel in Kammanahalli. The video shows a gang of five individuals entering the hotel and brutally assaulting him.
Despite attempting to flee, Guruswamy is caught and repeatedly attacked, reportedly with a sword over 70 times. He was hospitalized and is receiving treatment. The police have arrested three of the attackers and identified the gang leader as rowdy Pandiyan. Guruswamy, known for his political connections in Madurai, faces allegations of involvement in eight murders and is listed as a history-sheeter with the Tamil Nadu police.