Toretsk, once a quiet mining town in eastern Ukraine, has become a harrowing battleground as Russian assaults intensify, unsettling its residents and shattering its peaceful façade. Galyna Poroshyna, a lifelong resident, recounts the sudden escalation in violence, with rockets and air strikes disrupting daily life and forcing inhabitants into makeshift shelters.
The town, previously known as Dzerzhinsk during Soviet times, now witnesses the stark realities of war: disrupted utilities, damaged homes, and constant fear. Despite enduring hardships, including shortages of basic necessities, residents like Ms. Poroshyna remain steadfast, rooted by deep familial ties and a profound sense of belonging to their homeland. As Ukrainian forces struggle to defend strategic positions against relentless Russian advancements, Toretsk stands as a poignant symbol of resilience amidst the brutalities of conflict, echoing the broader challenges faced across Ukraine’s embattled eastern front.