International NewsNews

U.S. Lawmakers Stand Against Hinduphobia and Discrimination

In a show of solidarity with the Hindu American community, prominent U.S. lawmakers have pledged their support to combat Hinduphobia and discrimination. At the 3rd National Hindu Advocacy Day organized by the Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA), lawmakers including Congressman Shri Thanedar, Congressman Rich McCormick, Congressman Glen Grothman, Congressman Ro Khanna, and Congressman Max Miller voiced their condemnation of attacks on temples and discrimination against Hindus.

They highlighted the importance of upholding freedom of religion and celebrating the contributions of Hindu Americans to society. The event, attended by over 100 delegates from 15 U.S. states, featured discussions on combating stereotypes and gaslighting faced by Hindu students and community members in academic and social settings. Lawmakers expressed their commitment to standing with the Hindu community against hate and bigotry, emphasizing the need for legislative support through resolutions like House Resolution 1131.