Chennai witnessed two unfortunate incidents on Tuesday, resulting in the death of a 26-year-old man in Vadapalani and an unidentified person allegedly drowning near K.K. Nagar. In Vadapalani, T. Sasikumar was electrocuted while attempting to start a motor pump to pump out stagnant water at a friend’s house on Gagaiamman Koil Street.
Despite immediate efforts to rush him to a nearby private hospital, Sasikumar was pronounced dead. The Vadapalani Police have filed a case, and his body has been sent for post-mortem at Government Royapettah Hospital. In the second incident, an unidentified 50-year-old man allegedly drowned in stagnant water near R.K. Shanmugam Salai.
Police were informed by residents, and the body was sent to Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital for post-mortem examination. Both incidents serve as tragic reminders of the dangers posed by waterlogged conditions during the aftermath of Cyclone Michaung.