Tragic Incident in Ramapuram as 13-Year-Old Girl Dies in Candle-Related Fire
A heartbreaking incident occurred in Ramapuram as a 13-year-old girl, Vijalakshmi, tragically lost her life due to burns sustained in a fire caused by a candle. The incident occurred during a power cut following heavy rains in the city last week. Vijalakshmi, the daughter of Rajesh, who runs a pharmacy in Ramapuram, was studying in Class VII at a private school.
While attempting to retrieve a textbook during the power outage, she lit a candle, which accidentally fell on her dress, resulting in severe burns. Despite her family rushing her to Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Vijalakshmi did not respond to treatment and passed away on Thursday night. The Ramapuram police have registered a case and are currently investigating the tragic incident.