International NewsNews

Tragedy Strikes Dagestan: Deadly Assaults on Churches and Synagogue

The southern Russian region of Dagestan was plunged into mourning as armed militants launched a series of brutal attacks on Sunday, targeting Orthodox churches, a synagogue, and a police post in Derbent and Makhachkala. More than 15 police officers, civilians including an Orthodox priest, fell victim to the violence, marking the assaults as terrorist acts.

Authorities swiftly responded with a counter-terrorist operation, resulting in the elimination of several gunmen, although conflicting reports about the exact number of attackers remained. The tragic events prompted Dagestan to declare days of mourning, while officials vowed to uncover all militant cells involved in the attacks. Despite assertions linking the assaults to external forces, no group has yet claimed responsibility, and a criminal investigation has been launched to uncover the perpetrators behind this heinous act.