Toonz Animation India Limited marks a significant milestone as it completes 25 years of pioneering work in the Indian animation industry. Founded by entrepreneur G.A. Menon and Disney veteran Bill Dennis, Toonz has evolved into a global leader in creating, producing, and distributing premium content for children. Over the years, Toonz has overcome numerous challenges, including training a skilled workforce and adapting to evolving technological landscapes.
The company’s contributions to original content, such as “The Adventures of Tenali Rama” and India’s first fully animated feature film “Hanuman,” have been groundbreaking. International recognition followed with successful projects like “Finley the Fire Engine,” cementing Toonz’s reputation as an industry innovator. With acquisitions, global expansions, and ventures into live-action filmmaking, Toonz continues to shape the landscape of animation, both in India and globally. As Kerala’s homegrown animation success story, Toonz sets the stage for further growth and innovation in the industry, particularly with the support of the Kerala government’s draft AVGC-XR policy.