Tamil Nadu’s Minister of Water Resources and senior DMK leader, S. Duraimurugan, is currently in New Delhi to hold discussions with the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA). The purpose of the meeting is to express Tamil Nadu’s opposition to the construction of a dam at Mekedatu on the Cauvery River.
The state government strongly opposes the proposal and aims to convey its concerns to the CWMA. The construction of the dam has been a contentious issue between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, with Tamil Nadu raising concerns about its potential impact on water sharing and the downstream flow of the Cauvery River. The meeting with CWMA authorities presents an opportunity for Tamil Nadu to present its case and seek a resolution on the matter.
The state government is committed to protecting its rights and interests related to the Cauvery River water and will continue to engage in discussions to address the concerns raised. The outcome of the meeting will be closely watched by stakeholders and the public in both Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.