In the murder case of Congress leader M. Srinivas, a close associate of Karnataka, two of the three arrested suspects, Venugopal and Muneendra, were shot in the legs while attempting to escape, according to police reports. Another accused, Santhosh, also sustained injuries during the incident in the Laxmisagar forest area. The suspects were being transported by a police team led by Inspector Venkatesh after their arrest.
Police defended their actions, stating that the shooting was in self-defense. Inspector Venkatesh, along with his staff Manjunath and Nagesh, were also injured in the altercation and have received medical treatment.
The police suspect the accused may be connected to a contract killing gang that carries out murders for financial gain. Srinivas, a prominent Dalit leader and Congress member was attacked by a gang of six individuals near Hogalagere Road, leading to his tragic demise. The incident has left Srinivasapura town tense, with Dalit organizations contemplating a large-scale protest against the murder.