The Tamil Nadu State government has intervened to halt a significant tree felling operation conducted by the Highways Department for road expansion in Maduranthakam. Plans to fell 421 trees as part of the expansion of three road stretches were suspended following the State’s directive. Approval had previously been granted to cut 214 trees on Mudukarai-Kadalur Road, 195 on Maduranthakam-Vennangupattu Road, and 12 on Cheyyur-Padalam Road. Some mature trees, around 50 years old, had already been felled prior to the decision.
The Additional Chief Secretary to Departments of Environment, Climate Change and Forests, Supriya Sahu, issued a letter to the Chengalpattu Collector, urging the Highways Department to cease tree felling and provide an alternative proposal to the Green Committee. The District Forest Officer of Chengalpattu confirmed the directive and stated an official notice would be sent to the Highways Department.