Tamil Nadu Forest Department Marks International Mangroves Day with Massive Plantation Drive
In observance of International Mangroves Day on July 26, the Tamil Nadu Forest Department is conducting extensive mangrove plantations in the state’s coastal regions. In Ramanathapuram, the Department is focusing on planting mangroves over 25 hectares of coastal land. This year’s theme for International Mangrove Day is ‘Raising awareness about Mangrove.’
The chosen variety for the Ramanathapuram coastal area is Avicennia Maria due to its availability in the region. Volunteers and forest officials are collecting seeds of the mangrove plant from the mainland and nurturing them in bags for future plantation. The actual planting will take place after the monsoon season when salinity levels decrease in coastal areas. To ensure the health of previously planted mangroves, the Department has partnered with Green TN Mission, as some areas have experienced stunted growth in these important ecosystems.