Congress leader Sonia Gandhi shared a heartwarming moment with two women farmers from Haryana during their visit to her Delhi residence. The farmers inquired playfully about the marriage plans of Sonia’s son, Rahul Gandhi, to which she responded by asking them to find a suitable match for him.
Over lunch with the Gandhi family, the women farmers engaged in discussions about pressing issues like inflation and the Agniveer scheme. Rahul Gandhi, in a tweet, expressed his joy in spending time with the special guests and enjoying Delhi sightseeing with them.
The visit included a delightful conversation between Sonia, Rahul, and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra with the farmers, and they exchanged precious gifts of desi ghee, sweet lassi, homemade pickles, and affection. Earlier this month, after visiting the women farmers in Sonepat, Rahul had invited them to his home for lunch, fulfilling their wish to see Delhi and his house.