Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna faced interrogation by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) upon his arrival at the Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru, after being arrested in connection with sexual abuse allegations. The SIT, which arrested the suspended JD(S) MP upon his return from Munich, is likely to seek police custody for further interrogation. Security was heightened at the hospital where Prajwal underwent medical tests, including a potency test, as part of the investigation.
Meanwhile, the Special Court for Public Representatives is set to hear his bail plea along with that of his mother, Bhavani Revanna. The case has stirred a political storm, with the ruling Congress forming an SIT to probe the allegations while the BJP-JD(S) alliance demands a CBI investigation. Despite allegations and legal proceedings, Prajwal maintains innocence, citing political conspiracy and expressing depression in a video statement issued earlier.