Record High Migrant Arrivals and Net Migration in New Zealand

New Zealand has experienced a record-breaking influx of migrant arrivals and net migration gain, with 245,600 migrant arrivals and a net gain of 128,900 in the October 2023 year, according to Stats NZ. This represents a significant increase of 165 percent in migrant arrivals and 26 percent in migrant departures compared to the year ending October 2022.

Notably, citizens from India, the Philippines, China, Fiji, and South Africa contributed to the net migration gains during this period. However, there is also a new record of net migration loss, with 44,500 New Zealand citizens departing, surpassing the previous record set in February 2012. Among the overseas visitor arrivals in October 2023, 43 percent were from Australia, 9 percent from the US, and 7 percent from China.