After prolonged deliberations, the Maharashtra government has appointed senior IPS officer Rashmi Shukla as the state’s new Director General of Police (DGP), making her the first woman to hold this prestigious position. Shukla, a 1998 batch IPS officer and current Director-General of Seema Sashastra Bal (SSB), replaces the retired DGP Rajnish Sheth.
Notably, she faced controversy and legal issues related to alleged phone-snooping cases involving political leaders, which were quashed by the Bombay High Court in September 2023. Shukla had previously served as the Director of the State Intelligence Department and has held various state and central postings. Her appointment comes after more than three months of legal clearance and addresses the leadership vacuum created after DGP Sheth’s retirement on December 31.
Shukla has consistently denied any wrongdoing, asserting her actions were in the interest of national security and public service.