Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami has ordered holiday for school students studying in LKG to fifth standard in the state and also closure of malls, theatres in border Taluks till March 31 as a precaution against the spread of Coronavirus.
In a statement, issued here on Sunday, the government said Palaniswami has ordered closure of schools for students in LKG to fifth standard, malls and movie theatres in border Taluks in Theni, Kanyakumari, Coimbatore, Nilgiri, Krishnagiri, Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Tiruvallur, Vellore, Tirupattur, Ranipet, Erode, Dindigul, Dharmapuri and Virudhunagar districts till March 31.
He also ordered setting up of quarantine wards near the airports in the state for passengers showing symptoms of Coronavirus infection.