During multiple raids on the residences of Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leaders, including Nellore City constituency candidate Ponguru Narayana, the Police Department seized wads of currency notes on March 4. The raids targeted former ZPTC members Muppalla Vijetha, Kota Gurubrahmam, Ramana Reddy, Srinivasulu, and Suresh, an accountant of the Narayana group of educational institutions.
TDP leaders rushed to Vijetha’s house, denouncing the raids as harassment of opposition party members and questioning the legality of the searches. While police found ₹22,000 at Vijetha’s house, larger sums totaling ₹1.82 crore were reportedly discovered at Narayana’s close relatives’ homes. The raids were conducted based on a complaint from the Transport Commissioner, aiming to uncover violations of the APGST Act.