Poland’s President Duda Seeks Diplomatic Balance in China Visit

President Andrzej Duda of Poland embarked on a diplomatic mission to China with aims of bolstering bilateral relations while addressing critical global issues. Scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping on June 24, Duda emphasized the importance of maintaining friendly ties with China despite Poland’s alignment with NATO and its staunch opposition to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Central to their discussions will be the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, with Duda indicating China’s potential role in promoting peace.

Additionally, he plans to raise concerns about Belarusian migrant pressures on Poland’s borders, framing it as part of a broader hybrid warfare strategy. Duda also aims to negotiate a visa waiver for Polish travelers to China and explore avenues to enhance Poland’s exports to China, highlighting economic cooperation as a key facet of the visit. The trip will culminate in Duda’s participation in a Poland-China economic forum in Shanghai, underscoring Poland’s strategic outreach to diversify and strengthen its international partnerships.