Poland Deploys 2,000 Troops to Belarus Border Amid Tensions

Poland is sending 2,000 troops to its border with Belarus to ensure stability, as tensions between the two countries escalate. Deputy Interior Minister Maciej Wasik stated that the decision came after the commander of Poland’s border guard requested 1,000 additional soldiers, a number that was doubled by the Defence Minister and Security Committee.

Currently, about 2,000 Polish troops are stationed along the Poland-Belarus border, supporting local authorities. The new troops are expected to be deployed within two weeks. This move follows recent accusations by Poland that Belarusian helicopters violated its airspace during training exercises.

The tension is particularly notable in the Suwalki gap region, a vital connection between the Baltic states and the rest of the EU. Belarus has denied the allegations and reports suggest the Wagner mercenary group may be moving towards the region from Belarus.