Prime Minister Narendra Modi strongly criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), labeling it an “aapda” (disaster) for Delhi and urging voters to oust the party in the upcoming assembly elections. He accused the AAP government of corruption across multiple sectors, including education, pollution control, and the liquor trade. Highlighting governance challenges, Modi stated that the Centre’s welfare schemes like Ayushman Bharat were being obstructed by the Delhi government, limiting benefits for citizens.
He emphasized that infrastructure progress in Delhi, such as highways and housing projects, had advanced due to limited AAP involvement. Modi further took a swipe at former CM Arvind Kejriwal, criticizing him for alleged misuse of public funds on his residence, which he referred to as a “sheesh mahal” (glass palace). The Prime Minister called for a shift towards a governance model focused on nation-building and public welfare. His remarks come ahead of the Delhi assembly elections, positioning BJP as a corruption-free alternative.