International NewsNews

Paramilitary drone attack killed 14 people in the capital says Sudan Army

The Sudanese Armed Forces reported that a drone attack carried out by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) resulted in the death of 14 people in the capital, Khartoum. The attack targeted civilians who had gathered to welcome the forces in the Al-Azouzab area.

In addition to the fatalities, 15 others were injured in the incident. The Sudanese Army stated that it will continue to search for RSF stations in Khartoum and neighboring areas. The region has been experiencing deadly clashes between the Sudanese Army and the RSF since April 15, leading to over 3,000 deaths and more than 6,000 injuries, as reported by the Sudanese Health Ministry.

The situation remains tense as security forces are actively involved in conflict and military operations.