New Zealand’s Green Steel Project to Reduce 1% of Annual Emissions

New Zealand is making significant strides in its largest-ever emission reduction project, aiming to have greener steel production as early as 2026, which will cut 1 percent of the country’s annual emissions. New Zealand Steel’s electric arc furnace project has reached a pivotal point, with 50 percent of coal use at the Glenbrook steel mill being replaced with electricity for recycling scrap steel.

The government initiated a conditional partnership with New Zealand Steel in May for this ambitious emission reduction endeavor. The installation of an electric arc furnace will lead to over 45 percent emissions reduction at Glenbrook, equivalent to removing around 300,000 cars from the road. Once operational, the project will cut the mill’s carbon footprint by 800,000 tonnes annually.

The initiative is partly funded by the Government Investment in Decarbonizing Industry Fund, aimed at helping businesses reduce emissions, and signifies a significant step in transitioning away from fossil fuels and toward renewables and energy efficiency.