Former Amravati MP Navneet Rana’s absence from the Mumbai court hearing, citing ill-health, has further delayed proceedings in the case related to a Hanuman Chalisa recitation row. Alongside her husband and Amravati MLA Ravi Rana, Navneet Rana faces charges of obstructing police personnel during their announced plan to recite the Hanuman Chalisa outside Uddhav Thackeray’s residence in Bandra.
Despite the rejection of their discharge plea in December 2023, the couple’s failure to appear before the court has impeded the framing of charges. While Ravi Rana attended the hearing as directed, Navneet Rana’s exemption plea was accepted, adjourning the matter to July 2. The Rana couple’s revision petition against the discharge application’s rejection is pending before the Bombay High Court, while they remain out on bail.