In a relentless pursuit spanning 12 days and covering 1200 kilometers across several states, the Mumbai Police have apprehended Drayson M. D’Sa, a 40-year-old fugitive accused of brutally murdering his wife Chitra, 35, and older brother Damian M. D’Sa in Malad west. The incident, stemming from an alleged property dispute between the two brothers and their wives, saw Drayson resorting to extreme violence on December 29.
Despite cleverly avoiding electronic detection by ditching his phone and bank cards, Drayson was tracked through meticulous scanning of CCTV footage along his escape route. His trail led the police through Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka, ultimately zeroing in on him in Kolkata, West Bengal, where he was apprehended on January 10 with the assistance of Kolkata Police’s Special Task Force.
The accused is now being transported to Mumbai to face the legal consequences of his heinous crimes. The successful operation was carried out by dedicated teams led by top police officials, showcasing exceptional coordination and investigative prowess.