Following a night of heavy rainfall in Chennai, some of the traditionally inundation-prone areas in the north exhibited varying degrees of impact on Thursday. Notably, flood-prone stretches in Pulianthope, including Dr. Ambedkar College Road, Strahans Road, and Demellows Road, reported no water stagnation. Ganeshapuram subway in Vyasarpadi and Perambur subway also remained free of inundation. However, certain parts of Korattur experienced water entering homes, and the ESI Corporation Dispensary in Korattur faced significant inundation.
The canals and stormwater drains in Korattur carried floodwater to full capacity, causing waterlogging on some arterial roads. Residents noted ongoing efforts to bail out the water, but older houses at lower levels were affected. While water stagnation in Kolathur receded by noon due to continuous pumping efforts, issues persisted on Balaji Nagar Main Road.
The conditions of several arterial and interior roads, including parts of Dr. Ambedkar College Road, Stephenson Road, Vyasarpadi, and T.H. Road in Old Washermenpet, remained challenging, highlighting the complex challenges of managing urban flooding in these areas.