National NewsNews

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Condemns Emergency, Sparks Parliamentary Uproar

On June 26, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla ignited a fierce parliamentary debate by condemning the imposition of Emergency in 1975 under then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Birla’s resolution characterized the Emergency as a direct assault on India’s constitution and democratic principles, prompting vehement protests from opposition MPs, particularly from the Congress.

Describing June 25, 1975, as a dark chapter in Indian history, Birla emphasized the severe curtailment of democratic rights and freedoms during that period, including media restrictions and judicial constraints. Despite opposition uproar, Birla urged for a moment of silence in honor of those who resisted the Emergency, before adjourning the House for the day. The incident underscored ongoing political tensions and the sensitive legacy of the Emergency era in India’s democratic discourse.