Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan expressed his disapproval of Left Democratic Front (LDF) convenor E.P. Jayarajan’s meeting with BJP leader Prakash Javadekar in the presence of a “dubious middleman.” While Mr. Vijayan stated that there was nothing scandalous about Mr. Jayarajan meeting rival politicians, he emphasized the need for caution.
Mr. Vijayan highlighted Mr. Jayarajan’s geniality, which sometimes led him to let his guard down, potentially exposing him to unfavorable situations. He depicted Mr. Jayarajan as a victim of an election-eve plot aimed at discrediting the LDF and the CPI(M), emphasizing that the party viewed the matter seriously. Mr. Vijayan also underscored the need to maintain civility in parliamentary politics, mentioning that politicians from different parties are not born enemies.