Chennai police have apprehended four individuals on charges of murdering a 28-year-old fisherman identified as M. Surya, also known as ‘Kerala’ Surya. The victim, a resident of Tsunami Quarters in Netaji Nagar, Ennore, was reportedly wanted in criminal cases at the Kasimedu police station. The incident occurred on Wednesday night near the Indian Oil Petrol Bunk in the Fishing Harbour area when Surya was attacked by the four assailants wielding knives and stones.
He was subsequently rushed to Government Stanley Hospital but succumbed to his injuries. Following a complaint filed by the victim’s wife, the police arrested the four suspects, identified as M. Santhosh, D. Nisanthan, K. Lokesh, and L. Gunasekaran. Investigations have revealed that the murder was driven by enmity.