Tragedy struck Telangana as the bodies of five people, who were washed away in floods, were discovered on Friday, while search efforts continued for eight more missing individuals. The incident occurred when eight persons were swept away in the Jampanna Vagu in Eturnagaram Mandal, Mulugu district, on Thursday. Four bodies were recovered near Medaram in Tadwai Mandal, while the body of another person washed away in Khammam district was also found on Friday.
The search is ongoing for one more person washed away in the Munneru River. Adding to the distress, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) is on the lookout for three youths from Warangal town who went missing after fishing near the Musical Garden but failed to return. Heavy rains and floods wreaked havoc in North Telangana on Thursday, leading to more than 100 villages and several low-lying areas in Warangal, Hanumakonda, and Khammam towns being inundated due to overflowing lakes, tanks, and irrigation projects.
Flash floods have also cut off road links to numerous villages. In a commendable effort, the NDRF, with support from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and police, managed to rescue 1,900 people from Moranchapalli village in Jayashankar Bhupalapally district, as well as seven individuals stranded in the Munneru River in Khammam district.