As tensions escalated in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, nine individuals, including four children, were wounded in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson due to Russian shelling. The city’s head, Roman Mrochko, revealed that a mother and her three children were among those hospitalized, suffering moderate injuries from the evening shelling.
Simultaneously, Iranian-made Shahed drones were intercepted by Ukrainian air defenses en route to Kyiv, according to Serhii Popko, the head of the capital’s military administration. Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, also faced attacks near residential areas, with the Air Force reporting two S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles fired from Russia’s Belgorod region.
While casualties in Kharkiv are yet to be reported, the broader assault included a total of 19 Shahed launches, with 18 successfully destroyed across multiple Ukrainian regions. The intensified Russian offensive comes amid challenges to Western support for Ukraine, exemplified by the U.S. Senate’s announcement that new aid approval will not happen before the year’s end, signaling a precarious situation for Ukraine.