Following a recent order from a special court in Kolkata, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has commenced the process for a voice-sampling test for Sujay Krishna Bhadra, a key accused in the cash-for-school-job case in West Bengal. The ED has sent three communiqués for this purpose, the first to the Centre-run ESI Hospital at Joka, which will form a medical board to assess Bhadra’s medical condition, as mandated by the court.
The second communication is directed to the state-run S.S.K.M. Medical College & Hospital, where Bhadra is currently admitted. The third communication is to the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CSFL) in Kolkata for the testing process once the voice sample is procured. The ED aims to complete the entire process swiftly, possibly by the end of the week, aligning with the Calcutta High Court’s directive to conclude the investigation into the school jobs case by December 31.