In a pioneering move, 169 women from self-help groups (SHGs) in Tamil Nadu are set to undergo specialized training to maintain 51 parks across the state. Spearheaded by the Municipal Administration and Water Supply (MAWS) Department, this endeavor is part of the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) sub-project, AMRUT Mitra. With an estimated budget of ₹4.175 crore from Central government funds, the project aims to directly benefit 500 families initially over two years.
The comprehensive training modules, tailored for different districts including Cuddalore, Tiruchi, and the Nilgiris, emphasize skills such as plant care, de-weeding, and nursery development. Moreover, this initiative aligns with government directives to empower women, as evidenced by the recent equipment handover ceremony attended by Youth Welfare and Sports Development Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin.
Looking ahead, the ‘Mathi Cafe’ project proposed under AMRUT Mitra holds promise for further community engagement, envisioning the establishment of cafes within park premises managed by women SHGs. Through this holistic approach, the initiative not only fosters environmental stewardship but also cultivates economic opportunities, marking a significant stride toward gender-inclusive urban development.