The Enforcement Directorate (ED), which is investigating Mahadev Online Books (MOB), has reportedly found links between the platform’s promoters and Mustaqim, the brother of India’s most wanted and fugitive underworld figure, Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar. ED suspects that UAE-based Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, the promoters of MOB, may have partnered with Mustaqim to operate an illegal betting gaming app called ‘Kheloyar’ from Pakistan.
The ED’s probe revealed MOB’s involvement in over 50 illegal online betting and gaming apps and sites. Kheloyar drew the ED’s attention during a T-20 cricket tournament in Sri Lanka.
Dawood Ibrahim, accused of orchestrating the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, is believed to be residing in Pakistan. Mustaqim, his brother, was reportedly in Dubai on a resident visa, issued on an alleged Pakistani passport from 1997.
There are already 30 Bollywood celebrities under ED’s scrutiny for allegedly receiving money for attending events organized by Chandrakar, such as a wedding ceremony and a party in Dubai.