Amidst the worsening air pollution crisis in the national capital, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has called for a high-level meeting to address the issue. The meeting, set to take place at the Delhi secretariat at 12 noon, will be chaired by Kejriwal and attended by Environment Minister Gopal Rai along with senior officials.
The objective is to devise effective measures to combat the escalating air pollution levels. In response to the severe air quality, the Delhi government has already announced the closure of primary schools until November 10. Additionally, the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) invoked Stage IV of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) across the entire Delhi-NCR region, implementing stringent measures such as a ban on truck traffic entering Delhi, except for those carrying essential goods and services.
It also considers discontinuing physical classes for various grade levels and implementing an odd-even scheme for vehicles, among other steps. As the air quality crisis unfolds, the government and environmental agencies are taking multiple actions to mitigate the situation and protect public health.