Chennai police have cracked down on a drug trafficking network involving Nigerians, a South African, and a local businessman in the city. Following the arrest of three suspects last Saturday, four more were apprehended recently, including a Nigerian national, Ajagu Chinedu Onochie. Ajagu, who had been living in India for 20 years, confessed to procuring cocaine from Cynthia, an Indian in Mumbai married to a Nigerian, and distributing it through local conduits in various areas.
His wife, Esmelcia Micas, and associate Ameh Zion Inalegwu, a South African national, were also arrested. Additionally, four local businessmen involved in selling the drugs were apprehended. The police seized one kilogram of cocaine, ₹2 lakh in cash and six mobile phones. The investigation revealed the drug’s origin in Addis Ababa, Nairobi, and other African cities. The accused face charges under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, of 1985.