Chinese President Reaffirms Unwavering Support to Pakistan’s CPEC: Xi Jinping’s Congratulatory Message

Chinese President Xi Jinping has once again expressed unwavering support for Pakistan, emphasizing that regardless of changes in the international landscape, China will always stand firmly with its neighbor. President Xi conveyed this message in a congratulatory note sent to the decade of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) celebration event held in Islamabad.

The event was also attended by Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng, who is on a three-day visit to Pakistan. In his remarks, President Xi underscored the importance of bilateral ties and pledged to continue improving overall planning and expanding cooperation between the two nations. He highlighted that CPEC, being a significant pioneering project of the Belt and Road cooperation, will be developed into an exemplary project of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, with a focus on high-standard, sustainable, and livelihood-enhancing outcomes.

Both countries have been advancing CPEC since its launch in 2013, achieving early harvests that have boosted Pakistan’s economic and social development and laid the groundwork for regional connectivity and integration. President Xi emphasized that this successful cooperation reflects the enduring friendship between China and Pakistan and serves as a strong foundation for building an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era.