In a significant crackdown, Chennai police have apprehended three individuals involved in a fraudulent scheme where they posed as customs officials from Mumbai. The scam targeted T. Sriram of Vadapalani, coercing him into depositing ₹1.4 lakh by falsely claiming a parcel addressed to him contained narcotics. Sriram, fearing legal repercussions, complied with their demands before realizing he had been deceived.
Prompt action by Vadapalani police led to the identification and subsequent arrest of S. Nandini, R. Praveen Kumar, and Ranjith Kumar alias Ajith. Nandini was intercepted at Chennai airport upon her return from Malaysia, while efforts are underway to prosecute all three for their illicit activities. This arrest underscores the authorities’ commitment to combatting such fraudulent practices and ensuring justice for victims like Sriram.