Chennai Corporation has launched a program for the collection and disposal of hazardous waste generated from the bursting of crackers during the Deepavali festival. Over 300 tonnes of hazardous waste are expected to be generated in the city, prompting the Corporation to implement a three-day initiative. Corporation Chief Engineer N. Mahesan stated that the collection and disposal process involves deploying additional vehicles across all zones.
Residents have been educated about the importance of handing over cracker waste separately, and the collected waste will be transported to Gummidipoondi. The Corporation distributed separate jute bags for the exclusive collection of cracker waste in all areas, and division workers will collect burnt crackers using these bags.
Two lorries have been assigned to each of the 45 units in the 15 zones for this purpose. The hazardous waste plant in Gummidipoondi will process the collected waste in adherence to TNPCB norms. The Corporation encourages residents to contribute to the initiative by handing over hazardous waste separately, rather than disposing of it in regular garbage bins.