Chennai NewsNews

Changing Sea Patterns: Impacts on Chennai Fisherfolk’s Livelihood

A recent study conducted by Chennai fisherman S. Palayam sheds light on the changing sea patterns and their detrimental effects on the local fisher community’s livelihood. The study, titled ‘Sea Changed; Seasons Changed: A Fisher Science View of Climate Change’, highlights observations made over 1,179 days between September 2018 and October 2023, revealing significant alterations in the traditional seasons of fishing.

It notes a 33-day reduction in the kachan season, delayed onset and withdrawal of the vaadai season, and disruptions in the transition period between the two, impacting the productivity of fishers during a crucial period. Furthermore, the absence of phenomena like vanda thanni, which historically brought abundant fish to the coast, underscores the ecological shifts occurring in the region due to climate change. These findings underscore the urgent need for adaptation strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts on the fisherfolk’s livelihoods in Chennai.