In the hustle and bustle of Tamil Nadu’s election fervor, look-alikes find themselves grappling with numerous challenges. Dhanasekar, known as ‘Vadivel Sekar’, expresses uncertainty over his role during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign amid intense competition among artists. Chandrasaker, managing a troupe of performers, highlights the difficulties faced by women, especially his wife portraying former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. M.G. Anthony sheds light on the meager remuneration of ₹2,000 to ₹4,000 per gig, coupled with prolonged hours under the scorching sun.
Despite these hardships, artists like M. Venkatachalam, also known as ‘Vijayakanth’ Kumar, continue to fulfill demand surges, especially for roles like ‘Captain’ Vijayakanth after his demise. However, the occasional well-paying gigs prompt many to seek alternative sources of income, echoing the sentiments of Christopher Stenberg regarding police restrictions affecting their shows, even outside prohibited acts.