The suicide case of a Bengaluru techie model, Vidyashree, has taken a tragic twist as the police uncovered alleged details of abuse by her boyfriend from her personal diary. Akshay, a gym coach and the accused has been arrested, and officials are currently conducting a thorough investigation into the matter. Vidyashree tragically ended her life in the Kempapura area of Bengaluru North Taluk on July 21.
In her personal diary, the young woman had documented disturbing accounts of mistreatment by her boyfriend. According to her diary entries, the accused treated her in a degrading manner, leading her to endure emotional and psychological trauma. She also mentioned instances where she asked him to return her money, and in response, he verbally abused her family members, causing immense distress and humiliation.
The diary also revealed Vidyashree’s plea to other girls to be cautious in matters of love and trust. She expressed her belief that Akshay’s actions were the sole reason for her taking such a drastic step, emphasizing her unbearable strain due to an unpaid loan of Rs 1.76 lakh. The shocking revelations have sparked public concern and demands for a thorough examination of the allegations to ensure justice for the young model’s untimely demise.