A tragic incident unfolded in Telangana’s Kumaram Bheem Asifabad district as a 35-year-old bank manager, Banoth Suresh, reportedly ended his life due to work pressure. Suresh, who managed the State Bank of India (SBI) branch in Wankidi Mandal, consumed pesticides in his office on August 17, citing depression stemming from his workload.
His family members revealed that Suresh often expressed feeling overwhelmed by his responsibilities and mentioned handling the tasks of two individuals. He was initially taken to a government hospital in Asifabad after the incident and was subsequently referred to hospitals in Mancherial and Karimnagar due to his deteriorating condition.
Tragically, Suresh succumbed to his injuries on August 20. A case has been registered by the police based on a complaint from Suresh’s father, and an investigation is underway.