Amid chants echoing “Bum Bum Bhole” and “Har Har Mahadev”, the 52-day Amarnath Yatra commenced with fervor as Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha flagged off the inaugural batch of 4,603 pilgrims from Jammu’s Yatri Niwas base camp. Escorted by a convoy of 231 vehicles and guarded by the CRPF, the pilgrims embarked on a journey towards the twin base camps in Kashmir – Baltal and Anantnag. This annual pilgrimage to the 3,880-metre-high Amarnath cave shrine is a testament to faith, with over 3.50 lakh devotees registered for this year’s yatra. Stringent security measures, including traffic restrictions and community kitchens along the routes, ensure a safe passage as pilgrims seek the blessings of Lord Shiva in the serene Kashmir Himalayas.