Amaravati farmers enthusiastically welcomed Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister and Jana Sena Party president Pawan Kalyan during his visit to the region. Amidst fond memories of his commitment to preserve Amaravati as the sole capital of Andhra Pradesh, dating back to a crucial juncture when the capital’s future was in question, Kalyan’s arrival at the Water Resources Department’s guesthouse in Vijayawada marked the beginning of his new camp office.
His journey continued with a rally from Vijayawada to the Velagapudi Secretariat, where he was greeted by farmers with a massive garland and showered with flowers along the Seed Access Road. Joined by ministers Nadendla Manohar and Kandula Durgesh, Pawan Kalyan later held discussions with Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, emphasizing a renewed focus on Amaravati’s development and the aspirations of its residents.