Aditya Srivastava has clinched the coveted top rank in the UPSC Civil Services Exam 2023, with Animesh Pradhan and Donuru Ananya Reddy securing the second and third positions respectively. Srivastava, an Electrical Engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur, opted for Electrical Engineering as his optional subject. Pradhan, a Computer Science graduate from NIT Rourkela, chose Sociology, while Reddy, a Geography graduate from Miranda House, Delhi University, selected Anthropology.
Among the top 25 candidates, there are 10 women and 15 men, representing a diverse range of educational backgrounds, including engineering, humanities, science, commerce, business administration, architecture, and law from prestigious institutions like IITs, IIMs, NITs, and Delhi University. The successful candidates, totaling 1,016, will be appointed to various central government services, including the IAS, IPS, IFS, and Group A and B services.
Additionally, 30 persons with benchmark disabilities have also been recommended for appointment. The examination, which witnessed a total of 10,16,850 applicants, was conducted last year, with 14,624 candidates qualifying for the written (main) examination held in September 2023.