Addressing Chennai’s Stray Dog Issue: Balancing Safety and Coexistence

The Greater Chennai Corporation acknowledges the rising fear among residents due to increased stray dog attacks since 2019, prompting a focus on sterilization efforts. Despite a spike in pet registrations post-mandatory regulations, concerns linger over uncontrolled strays, particularly in suburban areas. Residents advocate for a comprehensive policy addressing both pet and stray populations. Challenges include discouraging feeders to prevent aggression and complaints of roaming dog packs in various localities.

Suggestions include designated feeding zones, enhanced sterilization efforts, and the appointment of zonal animal officers to manage conflicts. The Corporation’s emphasis on sterilization over culling aligns with ethical and scientific principles, aiming to curb population growth effectively. Expansion plans for Animal Birth Control centers and collaboration with veterinary experts signify a proactive approach to mitigate man-animal conflicts and ensure community safety.

Categories: Chennai News News